Monday, October 29, 2007

CNC Plasma

CNC Plasma

CNC Plasma Cutter – My first machine. A good first project if you want to build a CNC machine. Born out of necessity. She is a little rough around the edges, but a solid friend.

My Initial Thoughts on CNC…
I thought, “If I could build a CNC Plasma Cutting Table?”

I could hook my plasma cutter to it

Create a program of the part I wanted

Cut out multiple parts to my hearts content

Save a lot of time

And Finally…

Save my wrist from the dreaded Carpel Tunnel Syndrome.

I really wasn’t scared of the technology to start with. I grew up in fabrication shops across the Midwest and had seen these machines in action. These machine “Operators” were always held in high esteem at the shop. They always made more Money and always had as much Overtime as they wanted. I decided if they could do it, I could do it.

CNC hobby projects were not cheap at the time. I figured I would have to invest $4,000 - $5,000 to build my table (they have come down considerably). Keep in mind this was in 2000-2001. For some reason that didn’t scare me off. I always liked a good challenge and this was it. With blind faith, I ordered up a CNC Controller and went down to my local steel yard to fill the back of my truck with steel.

Little Did I know…
There was a steep learning curve with CNC. Building a frame for the machine is only a small part of the project. Today it is much easier. The software, components and suppliers are better. There is an entire cottage industry that has sprung up around CNC to support it. Some of the best people in the world make their livings servicing CNC Hobbyist needs.

For some reason I figured if I just build this machine it would spit out parts whenever I wanted it to. Simple, Simple, Simple ran through my head. Over time, I started to get it. I didn’t have a teacher, but I started to learn the ins and out of what I was doing.

Other things I had to learn along the way:
CAD Software

Designing Parts

CAM Software

Preparing parts for machining

Simulating Machining

Machining Basics

Cleaning parts

Sign Up Now! I have put together a FREE 7 Day E-Course that teaches the basics of CNC. Click Below and Sign Up Today!

Click Here for a Free CNC E-Course

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